I found this two books in ak.sa.ra bookstore (not only a bookstore). the price is about 150 thousands rupiah, and this two books are..impress me.
isinya tu cuma pertanyaan2, kalo yang judulnya all about me ya berarti buat sendiri. kalo all about us buat berdua. this book will amaze you if you fill this book now and you read this book in the future, when you are old. so i decide to bought the 'all about us' one, and I will fill that book with one of my friend or myboyfie (kalo tiba2 ada). gue milih yg all about us knp ya..karena gue ga pengen aja punya kenangan sendiri, kalo buat diri sendiri gue udah ada banyak, jadi gue beli yg buat berdua.
gue masih belom memutuskan kapan, sama siapa, dan dimana gue akan ngisi buku ini, but i can make sure you i will fill this book when I'm in senior high school, it means now, not now but yeah now I'm in senior high school.
so just buy it one, about me or about us whatever, and make your own answer.