I wanna give you some review about good movies that I ever watch. I will not talk much about the movie, just watch.
first, emmm.. movie that will make you cry, oke, I cry.
you can watch P.S I Love You (Gerard Butler, Hilary Swank), or Seven Pounds (Will Smith), or Pursuit Of Happiness (again, Will Smith), orrrr..em..Radit & Jani (Vino G Bastian) apalagi ya bentar gue mikir..kyanya banyak deh tapi cuma ini yg gue inget, tapi ada 2 film yg bener2 gue suggest harus lo tonton
My Sister's Keeper and Grace Is Gone
My Sister's Keeper (Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sovia Vassilieva) is based on the novel by Jodi Picoult. Directed by Nick Cassavetes. sumpah ya ini film bagusssss deh, emosi lo pasti bermain (alah) pas nntn film ini.
Grace Is Gone (John Cusack, Shelan O'keefe, Gracie Bednarczyk) it's about a man who notified that his soldier wife is dead and he has to tell their two little girls. Directed by James C. Strouse. gue nntn ini di hbo apa starmovies gitu gue lupa, dan gue nangis..sedih banget.
next, movie that will make you not say a thing after you watch it.
you can watch Armageddon (Bruce Willies) I don't know why I really love that movie. then Courage Under Fire (Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan), The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), The Green Mile (Tom Hanks), or The Pianist (Adrian Brody), but this one is a must

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
set during World War II, Nazi and Jewish camp. Directed by Mark Herman, Novel by John Boyne. awalnya gue mau baca bukunya, eh taunya ada filmnya, akhirnya gue nonton aja. dan pas film itu abis, gue bener2 ga gerak dari tempat tidur gue. gue diem, ga bergeming.
next the horror movie, i don't really like horror or mystery, but few of them are make me curious
I don't like the psycho one like SAW and friends. I am Legend (Will Smith) it's better. or maybe Quarantine (Jennifer Carpenter). atau film2 serem America like The Messanger, Drag me To Hell, House or whatever. but only this two movie just make me wonder 'what happen?'
Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project
Paranormal Activity (Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat) a documenter movie. Directed by Oren Peli. gue juga baru nntn ini barusan, ehm...lumayan. engga deng, serem.
The Blair Witch Project (Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael C. Williams) a documenter movie just like Paranormal Activity, but this one have a unusual ending. Directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. ini tu satu2nya film yang sampe udh 3 hari kemudian setelah gue tonton, pas gue mau tidur tu masi kepikiran 'mereka knp ya?'
next is movie that make you say "WOW" or "cool"
ehm.. Transformer (Shia LaBeouf) isn't bad, then War Movie like Black Hawk Down (Josh Hartnett), Saving Private Ryan (Tom Hanks). then The Bourne Ultimatum, Identity and Supermacy (Matt Damon). or like Gladiator, 300, Kingdom Of Heaven. orr maybe the legend God Father, banyaaaak banget yg keren. but my favorite is
Public Enemies
(Johnny Depp) story or biography about John Dillinger during a booming crime wave in the 1930s. Directed by Michael Mann. keren deh nntn aja
next is imagination movie, this one is my favorite
Stardust, The Golden Compass, Star Wars, or maybe Harry Potter (daniel radcliffe), Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp) is good too! manyyyyy but there is only one yang gue puja dan gue bangga2kan dan gue cinta sampai mati
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Directed by Peter Jackson. OH MY LORD, this is the best movie I ever watch! udah lah gue ga mau banyak omong, ini tu keren banget.parah.
and this is the last review of my favorite movie
The Chorus (Les Choristes)
Directed by Christophe Barratier. just watch it. Brilliant. Beautiful.
that's all, kalo ada film bagus lagi pasti langsung gue review di sini. see ya in the next movie!