Sunday, October 31


and October will be over soon.. my month is going to end! phew.
but still, October is amazing!! no one can't beat October hahaha. anyway, let's go to the list..
  • Bambi - Tokyo Police Club
  • Frankenstein - Tokyo Police Club
  • Giving Up The Gun - Vampire Weekend
  • Diplomat's Son - Vampire Weekend
  • Pistol Of Fire - Kings Of Leon
  • It's A Hit - We Are Scientists
  • Whachadoin? - N.A.S.A
  • Viva La Vida - Aston (Coldplay cover)
  • Kings And Queens - 30 Seconds To Mars
  • Stick By Me - UB40
So November, you have to as awesome as October, even more!!
and last..
Happy Halloween!!
xoxo, octy

Monday, October 25

Vampire Weekend

The Greatest Concert in 2010!! (so far)
everyone's dancing! everyone's jumping! everyone's having fun! seriously, Vampire Weekend concert last night driving me craaaazyy!
Serius, pertama kali mereka keluar terus langsung nyanyi lagu Holiday dari album keduanya gue cuma bengong.. gue ga bisa langsung ikut joget sama crowd yang lain karena gue cuma bengong. Terus gue bilang sama Alia (My Libra Partner-In-Crime) "parah..ini udah gila.."
You see? Everyone's dancing, and jumping, and put their hands up, and singing, the crowd is amazing! And The Band... Vampire Weekend.. SUPERB!! they are really really awesome. mereka total banget performnya, dan mereka ramah. Sumpah, bener bener jauh dari kata nyesel.

Saturday, October 23


thanks for coming guys
xxoo, octy

Thursday, October 21

God, let me checklist one of this options. amen.

Monday, October 18

18th for 18th

today I'm 18th years old!!!
Oh my.. Why 18 years pass like a rollercoaster? nah I'm kidding, I felt it, 18 years it's quite looong journey. But you know, sometimes I wonder.. what I have done during this 18 years? for my family, my friends, people around me, my country, the world, even for myself.
I'm trying to be a better better, and better person everyday. I hope there is significant change from me in every single year. I'm doing my best.
and the most important thing.. I wanna say thank you, BIG THANK YOU to all my family, my best best friends, my pals, my friends, and all of the people around me. Thanks for the wishes, thanks for the greetings, thanks for making my blackberry vibrate every-time, thanks for all messages, thanks for put my name on your display name in bbm and on your status bbm, thanks for the mentions, thanks for the walls, thanks for the midnight call, thanks for all calls, thanks for the presents, thanks for the surprises and thanks for making me damn wet!
I really really love you guys! I mean it. I'm so blessed. God Bless You.
xoxo, octy

Sunday, October 17

so much to say but where do I start
would you listen if I spoke from my heart?
it's simple things that keep us apart
you know it doesn't have to be this way

some people stop, and some people stare
I'm hearing whispers that you no longer care
should I stay or should I turn away
stop playing games now you know it's not fair

can't you hear it in my voice?
you gotta listen when I say

don't let me go when I'm this low
why can't we talk about it
why can't we figure it out
I wanna know as people grow
how do they sort it all out
work out what love is about
so tell me now, I've gotta know
when this feeling I've got won't let go

Friday, October 15

80's attack!

tags : UB40, Duran Duran, Poison, The Smiths, R.E.M, Led Zeppelin, Mr.Big, Scorpions, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aztec Camera, Michael Learns To Rock, Goo Goo Dolls, The Police, Guns n Roses, Skid Row, Deep Purple
they are rocks!!

Wednesday, October 13

aku sayang bukuku

aku punya teman, namanya Vito Setya
gue sekelas sama Vito dari kelas 2, sampe skrg. dan ada satu hal yang, sebenernya udah gue peratiin dari lama, tapi gue baru ngebahasnya beberapa waktu yang lalu
Vito kalo pulang sekolah pasti ngecek2in dulu bukunya satu-satu, jadi apa yang tadi dia bawa ke sekolah harus sama kayak yang dia bawa pulang. kecuali ada yang dikumpulin
pertama kali gue ngeh karena dia sering nanya, hari ini ada pelajaran apa aja dan itu pas udah bel pulang. terus gue nanya "To, lo kalo mau pulang ngecekin buku lo satu2 ya?" dia jawab, "iyak hahaha.." dan gue langsung ketawa terus gue tinggal. pantes dia kalo keluar paling akhir mulu
suatu kali pas dia ngecek bukunya ga ada, dia nanya2 sama yang lain buku pelajaran tersebut dikumpulin apa engga, dan ternyata engga. itu bener2 dicari sampe kemana2 walaupun akhirnya ga ketemu
tadi, gue cabut fathan sama vito skip pelajaran tik, yang lain pada ke lab kita stay di kelas. sampai akhirnya waktu menunjukkan pukul 2.45 berarti sekitar 10 menit lagi pulang. mulai deh tu Vito beraksi
dikeluarin buku bukunya semua terus dia urutin dari pelajaran pertama "pertama biologi *ngambil buku tulis sama lks bio* terus bhs inggris, lks dikumpulin kan ya?" dan terusss sampe ke pelajaran terkahir ditumpuk jadi satu baru dimasukkin tas lagi.
akhirnya karena ga tahan cuma ketawa doang liat perilakunya, gue bilang "dasar cacat hahahaha.."
terus vito bilang, "walaupun gue ga pernah belajar, tapi gue sayang sama buku gue, Ty."
dan itu bikin gue cabut sama fathan tambah ketawa ngakak
temen gue... temen gue...

Thursday, October 7

dear, God

i'm so blessed to have them
i'm so blessed to have them
i'm so blessed to have them
can i keep them forever, please?

Sunday, October 3

Friday, October 1


and again, I forgot to post "September". September goes so faaast! I can't believe today is already October. sshhhhh
anyway, hari semakin hari mendekati uan dan tes tes lain masuk ke ptn.. jujur gue berusaha nuat ga peduli tapi kenyataannya, gue peduli.. itu kepikiran di otak gue setiap hari. Gue udah ada tujuan si mau kemana, dan saya akan berusaha!!
so back to the main topic, this is the list
  • Rhythm Of Love - Plain White T's
  • Misery - Maroon 5
  • Man In The Mirror - James Morrison
  • California Love - Tupac
  • Go On Girl - Ne-Yo
  • One Last Dance - Craig David
  • Hush - Deep Purple
  • Dyer Maker - Led Zeppelin
  • The End - The Beatles
  • Club Can't Handle Me - Flo-Rida
and Hell Yeah! October is my month