Tuesday, June 30


2 hari gue browsing Google dng key 'blogger template' karena gue ud bosen sm template gue. ada kali 30 template gue download tp gada yg gue sreg pas udh di coba, smpe akhirnya gue nemu satu dan pas ud gue save, sehari gue diemin, gue ga suka template itu. sampe td masi nyari dpt 5 template tp akhirnya ga jadi.
ujung2nya gue pake template yg sdh di sediakan di blogspot, terus gue edit jadilah seperti ini, tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. simple and ordinary right? tadinya gue download template tu yg rame2 gtu, keren2, tapi gue ga sreg. jadi gue lbh memilih seperti ini.
lumayan puas tapi ada satu yg bikin gue jd lumayan puas, bkn puas, gw mau upload foto buat di header tp ga bisa, knp ya? ga ngerti deh. wkt itu gue pernah bisa soalnya, yasudahlah.
bored, so see ya

Monday, June 29

Sunday, June 28

The Strokes

another review about my faveee music, band exactly

The Strokes are an American rock band formed in 1998 in New York City. They rose to fame in the early 2000s as leaders in the garage rock revival. Since then, the band has maintained a large fan base, mostly in the UK, US and Australia

Band Members :
- Julian Casablancas (lead vocals)
- Nick Valensi (lead guitar)
- Albert Hammond Jr. (rhythm guitar)
- Nikolai Fraiture (bass guitar)
- Fabrizio Moretti (drums and percussion)

Albums :
EP : "The Modern Age" (2001)
1. The Modern Age
2. Last Nite
3. Barely Legal

Album : "Is This It" (2001)
1. Is This It
2. The Modern Age
3. Soma
4. Barely Legal
5. Someday
6. Alone Together
7. Last Nite
8. Hard To Explain
9. New York City Cops (When It Started - on US Edition)
10. Trying Your Luck
11. Take It or Leave It

Album : "Room On Fire" (2003)
1. What Ever Happened?
2. Reptilia
3. Automatic Stop
4. 12:51
5. You Talk Way Too Much
6. Between Love & Hate
7. Meet Me in the Bathroom
8. Under Control
9. The Way It Is
10. The End Has No End
11. I Can't Win

Album : "First Impressions Of Earth" (2006)
1. You Only Live Once
2. Juicebox
3. Heart In Cage
4. Razorblade
5. On the Other Side
6. Vision of Division
7. Ask Me Anything
8. Electricityscape
9. Killing Lies
10. Fear of Sleep
11. 15 Minutes
12. Ize of the World
13. Evening Sun
14. Red Light

*Bold : my-favorite-song

Website : http://www.thestrokes.com/

just listen their songs and enjoy! they are amazing, really

Thursday, June 25

ensoleillé jour, ensoleillé Juin

you know what? I'm in love with France! haha that's why the title post today is french.
main topic, yesterday my friendss and I go to puncak, safari I mean, puncaknya juga.
soooo freaky asshit
then we are go to puncak pas, terus nyari makanan gitu. makan di warung2 di puncak, asli adeemmm banget
terus turun deh mau pulang, tapi kita mampir dulu ke tea garden-nya alah
and we going home..
we are going crazy when we in car, taking photo as much as we can, itu mobil ud kya ga tau deh kursi nya di belok2 kemana2, duduk dimana2 seenak pantat
we must do this again and again guys! semuanya harus ikut, but thanks anya nat dhanisa and udoy for this moment.

special thanks : pak agus, sing sabar yo paaak

Tuesday, June 23


a a a a a a a
gue lagi iseng, but just lets to the point
gue akan memberikan list top 10 handsome actor, menurut gue saat ini
so here they are

1. Jean-Baptiste Maunier
ga tau knp gue lagi sukaaa banget sm dia OH GOD! look at his eyes.. aaaa wonderful! I found him in some movie, the title is 'The Chorus'. di situ dy masi kecil, tapi ud lucu hahaha. and he has really brilliant voice! in the movie and in real life. suara sopran yg gimanaaa gtu. gorgeous

2. Daniel Radcliffe
everyone knows this guy. handsome? of course. especially when he smile aaaaaaaaa (melting). he has i good eyes too, really good lips and (again) cute smile, just awesome

3. Adam Brody
the o c . yeahhhhh he's cute.. and cute. just cute... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

4. Michael Steger
just watch 90210 and you will in love with this guy. lucu (lucu kocak) and really really nice guy! sumpah melting tiap saat kalo dy jadi pacar gue, baiiiiiiiiiik banget ud gtu ga di sangka2. aaaa pacar impian

5. Matt Lanter
again, 90210, good eyes, dan di film itu dy jadi bad boy gitu.. tapi keren. ehm.. i just like him. have good style too. perfect

6. Adam Gregory
still in 90210, he is awesome. good smile, good body, postur badannya itu lho tinggi bagus gtu. aaaaa ga ke bayang kalo date, i mean jalanlah sm cowo ini. cool!

7. Chace Crawford
now move to Gossip Girl, really handsome isn't it?? Good smile, good eyes, what else?

8. Legolas
Legolas, not orlando bloom. because i crush with him only in this movie, being legolas. keren banget ga boong, watch the movie and ready to crush with him.

9. Wentworth Miller
wonderful smile. gue pernah liat dy di suatu majalah, with his girlfriend. di rangkul gitu dan guess what i see.. muka dy pas mandang cewenya tu aaaaaaaaa... kya sayaaaang banget, ud gitu senyumnya baik banget..........

last but not least

10. Steve Talley
gue ud crush lama sma cwo ini, dari smp. watch american pie beta house sm naked mile, he was a baaaaaad boy but cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. aaaaaaaa just watch the movie, WATCH

that's all
I will make like this again, maybe with a different category

Saturday, June 20

really impressing

The Party Song

gue bingung title gue buat post yg ini dan lagi2 akhirnya gue men-shuffle ipod gue dan keluarlah lagu Blink-182 "the party song" yang juga lagu favoriteeeeeeee gue!
kamis kemaren gue pergi sm temen2 gue.
tapi tb2 bnyk yg ga bisa, nat ga bisa, nindy ga bisa, anya blang mau nyusul, alia juga (karena dia kena jebakan batmaaan) nyusul. akhirnya sisa gue, unyi sm dhanisa. kita pergi ke salah satu mal di daerah pondok indah. terus kiat mau nonton, kita nontonnya di 21. sumpah filmnya booo ga ada yg bagus. yg paling mending cm night at the museum, sebenernya geu penasaran sm film "garuda di dadaku" tapi gokil, tiket jam 12, jam 2, sm jam 4 ud abis. yaudah gue nonton night at the museum 2
asli, filmnya kocak. berhasil bikin gue ketawa. tapi kalo maksudnya ya jujur aja film ini kurang ada 'nilai'nya tapi kocak, sangat menghibur. emang ini film comedy gitu buat hiburan. jadi karean acting nya ben stiller yang oke banget dan ceritanya yg sgt menghibur, gue kasi
review : 4 stars

sbnernya sebelum nntn gue sm dua sahabat gue itu makan di restoran sushi, ya jepang lah, yg setiap gue mau makan di sana itu selalu waiting list.
dapet duduknya di bar lagi,
abis makan kita nonton, terus di tengah2 film alia sms gue kalo dy ud sampe di mall ini. terus ternyata anya ga jadi nyusul.
abis nonton kita ketemu alia dan kiat duduk gitu di suatu cafe(?)
dan taking pictures.

yg gue bingung adalah, setiap gue taking picture bedua alia, selalu rusuh
watch this
just three, three are enough. ga ada yg bener liat aja tu. haduh gue pusing
itu baru tiga, yg lain.. beehhhhhhh
but you are still the one alia, hahahaah love ya sweetheart!

"Katy Perry"

tanggal 16 kemaren, hari Selasa. gue pergi ke suatu mall di jakarta di daerah Sudirman. gue pergi sm kedua kk gue dan temem kk gue. ya lagi2 kita berempat..
karena ada suatu pebincangan yang rada2 gitu lah.. kita jadi sering banget ngomong kata "katy perry" gara2 lagunya dy ada yg judulnya "you're so gay" dan hari itu kita sering banget ngucapin kata2 itu.
you are so gay
dan akhirnya jadi
katy perry
sbenernya katy perry itu semacam sandi, istilah lain lah.. tapi artinya ga bisa gue jelasin hahaha
kalo mau tau tanya aja ke hardy
terus,kita nyari dress gitu buat kk gue yg cewe. soalnya dy mau ada acara sm temen2nya, ya prom gt tp bukan prom. terus dsna ketemuan sm ka ayu and her boyfriend,ican.
pas ud dapet bajunya, kk gue yg cowo jg ud beli akhirnya kita cabut (sssaaah) dari mall tersebut.
terus gue bilang, karena itu baru sekitar jam 5an, makan dulu dimanaaa gtu
dan akhirnya pilihan jatuh di kemang
kita makan di salah satu restoran jepang di codefin
abis makan kita nyebrang ke kff, terus di situ gue khilaf.
gue beli 15 dvd, 5 cd ps, sm 2 cd pc. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha
dan sampe skrg dvdnya belom ada yg gue tonton satu pun karena gue ke asikkan main game.
gue beli the sims 3 (pc) dan asli gue addict.

ya ya setidaknya liburan ini gue banyak kerjaan :D