Thursday, May 14

agyness deyn

woohoo!!! belakangan jiwa fashion gue lagi tinggi ni (ahak). dan gue bener2 tergila2 sm gayanya agyness deyn. sumpah itu keren2 bgt, bukan di runaway ya, tp style dia sehari2. Oh God she gorgeous! ga semua gayanya gue suka si, tp ada beberapa yg cool!! kyaknya tu dy pake baju apa aja bagus, ga kyak gue -_____-. mungkin karena badan dia bagus, ya iyalah she's a model!
I really love her style in this picture (above). That's soooooo cute! truly, I don't like her.. I just like her style, her fashion! I will find another fashion Icon, so just wait 'til my next post.
But Aggy's still one of my favorites! sumpah mukanya itu lhoooooooooo aduh kok cool banget si, di apain aja bagus!
gayanya biasa aja tapi coooll!! the way she wear it and mix the clothes are awesome.
I Love It! gue jadi pengen belanja... pokoknya hari ini gue harus shopping! I WANNA BUY SOME CLOTHES! I WANNA GO SHOPPING, DADDY! gue harsu pergi hari ini, harus! is a must! Come on brother and sister! harus pada nemenin gue! (gue mulai addict lagi)
I Love agyness deyn style!