Thursday, May 21


Gue bingung deh.. why teacher really like giving the students homework? dikit2 peer dikit2 peer, enek gue. besok tu peer gue banyak beneeeeeeeeerr. I don't wanna go to school but tomorrow I have biology quiz -____-.
ngomong2, bukannya kita udh masuk musim kemarau ya?? ya ga si??
tapi masi aja sering ujan..tadi sore ujan jg. kdg2 mendung doang tp ga ujan
is nice umbrella isn't it?
I love it, if I have that umbrella I will give to my 'lovely' teacher.
ya ya ya..

eh td kk gue yg cowo ribut2 gt. ty liatin nudie pants dong.
gue cari2 deh tu di google, sebenernya biasa aja si sm kyak2 jeans2 yg lain, cm emang dy macemnya kan banyak. dan pilihan gue jatoh ke 'grim tim dry dirt organic'
biasa aja si, tapi gue ngebayangin kalo kk gue make terus pake sepatu belel kaosnya santai gt yg tipis. Cool yaaaaaaaaa
I showed this picture to my brother and he's like it. He will buy it! That's a good choice brotha

teruuussssss gue lg browse . gue browse designer dan brand2nya gtu. eh pas gue buka Filippa K ada man shoes sumpah keren abeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess gue langsung nyumpah2 gtu keren bangetttt. I WANT IT!!! gue aja mau make, oh boys cepetan pada beli itu keren banget
both of that shoes are cooooooooll. cuma kalo yg atas lebih cocok buat pria dewasa kali ya. yg bawah ya kuliah sma gt keren. tapi pada dasarnya kereeeeeen gue suka!
I love it. yooooooooww
yaudah ah gue mau tidur
besok sekolah I have to get up early